Well, I did it. I survived what they call "the longest four days of your mission"! They are so long that you forget if things happened that day or the day before or the day before that! They truly have been THE longest days of my life so far. They've also been the best!
Let's start at the beginning. When I entered the MTC and they put on my badge for the first time, wow what a rush of emotion! I now officially looked like "Sister Flores". My whole life I had imagined how it would be to have that tag on. Let me tell you, it's pretty awesome! I love it. It reminds me of why I'm here and of my purpose for the next 18 months.
I've been assigned to stay at the West MTC campus which is Wyview and Raintree. I was a bit disappointed that I wasn't going to be on the main MTC campus, but I soon learned that it is such a blessing to be staying here! At the main MTC, there are six missionaries to a room and it is so crowded all the time; at the West MTC, I'm in a nice, full apartment with only two other sisters and everyone can breath. President Roach who is in the MTC presidency said, "you might have heard that Disney World is the happiest place on earth, but it's not! It's West Campus!" and I totally agree!
I have two companions, Sister Joslin and Sister Peacock. I was a little worried about being in a trio, but I love it! They are such awesome companions and I am always learning from them. I am so grateful for them. We have a mock investigator named Brian. Before each of the two lessons we've taught, we've knelt in prayer to seek inspiration in what Heavenly Father wants us to teach him. Every time we've been guided, and each of us contribute something unique to the lesson which points to the same purpose. We work together and see the fruits of it.
You know when they say that the mission will be the hardest yet most rewarding experience of your life? Well, IT'S TRUE. I'm not even in the field yet and I KNOW it's true! It's been especially stressful for me because even though I'm fluent in English, I struggle with the gospel in English! And it is so apparent. Everybody in my district memorized "our purpose" and the first vision the first day, and I could not memorize a thing. Later that day we were told to memorize and practice the baptismal commitment. My companions and I were practicing with each other, and it became my turn to be the missionary and theirs to be the investigators. One second I was teaching, and the next I was in tears. I felt like such a failure! Everybody seemed to have everything together and they had things memorized, and I couldn't remember a single thing. All of the stress that I had-and this was only my first day-came out in tears during that meltdown. My poor companions! They were just there and did not know what to do! I was so embarrassed! I don't know why memorization has been such a trial for me when I used to be so good at it in school. That used to be my forte! That's how I got by! I also struggle with understanding some of the English language in the Bible and Book of Mormon. Also, I freeze up right when I'm in the middle of teaching. It is so frustrating! But I know that if I continue to study and have faith that God can help me do this, than I'll be able to become better. Today I learned that "each of us is a masterpiece in progress. No masterpiece is ever created all at once". I will remind myself of that every day. :)
A few days ago, I learned of my purpose as a missionary. In Moses 1:39 it states that Heavenly Father's purpose is to bring immortality and eternal life to man. In 2 Nephi 31, it states that through the Atonement, the Doctrine of Christ is valid. The Doctrine of Christ is:
-Follow Christ/ Faith in Christ
-Receiving the Holy Ghost
-Eduring to the end
The Doctrine of Christ provides the tools needed to reach immortality and eternal life. The Holy Ghost testifies of these things, and therefore leads mankind to immortality and eternal life. Therefore, although God, Christ, and the Holy Ghost are separate beings in the godhead, they are one in purpose.
Now, as stated in "Your Purpose", my purpose as a missionary is to "invite others to come unto Christ by Helping them receive the restored gospel through Faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, Repentance, Baptism, Receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end.
My purpose is to teach the Doctrine of Christ. My purpose is to help lead mankind to immortality and eternal life.
I, as a missionary, have the same purpose as my Heavenly Father.
As I looked down at my tag, and read Christ's name on my badge, my eyes filled with tears. I feel so honored, humbled, and privileged to be able to serve my God and His children in the same purpose He has.
I know this church is true, and that these truly are marvelous times to be a missionary. I love it. I know that Christ lives and that through His Atonement, we can return to live with Him and Heavenly Father.
Love you all!
Sister Flores